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New cover art for Superliminal PSX
Made by @Vincent_M

Patch 1.1

See Article for changes



Lumen is really impressive but it's quite taxing on performance.

Screen Space in comparison isn't as impressive, I had to bump up the brightness to make it look somewhat decent.

Another screenshot from the game I'm working on.

This time I couldn't get the lighting & perspective to match the reference pic.


UE5 is a pain to work with, especially when handling C++ classes. Just a few hours ago, it couldn't find its target build file preventing me from even opening the editor.

Anyway, here's some pretty orbiting particles.

Making a Backrooms-styled game that doesn’t have any horror theme and isn’t supposed to be scary in any way.

Here's a screenshot from the game and its inspiration on the right

Update 0.2.5

Added a Gameplay Modifier, Map changes and Fixed several Bugs

UI Overhaul

Rounded Corners and added colors to Buttons, sliders and spin boxes.

Which one do you like. Colorful, purple or indigo?

Last pic is the old UI


Working on a gameplay modifier.

I need some suggestions

Edit: Changes & Editions